Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gardening and marital strife


Since you are going into training for being a Master Gardener, I hope you know that you may be taking on the role of consulting couples that might have marital differences on "how their garden should grow". You see, my dear husband has this notion that our daylily bed should have NOTHING but daylilies in it - no companion plants to enhance it. Well, I THINK that all daylilies and nothing else makes for a dull garden.
Now, this notion comes from a man who thinks the most beautiful thing in nature in the world is morning time at a golf course - all GREEN - and I guess it is like folks that don't like mixing up things for a casserole - you don't mix stuff up. Now, since the weeds have overtaken the garden in such a way that there are threats that the garden might be gone next year if I don't do something about it, we have got to come to some sort of middle road. The weeds are winning the war and I can promise you there's a briar patch out there that must qualify for the Tar Baby tale.
Naomi is my other friend who has completed the Master Gardener program and now is in making sure she keeps her hours up, doesn't know about this dilemma (well perhaps she does now since I am posting it now) .

Since this blog is pretty new, we sure would like to know who out there in the world is reading this. In my next blog event (if I remember) I will share my button story with you.
Hope you have fun at your audition tonight. Sing pretty.

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