Saturday, October 15, 2005

10/15/05 Saturday Night Blog

Ellen's Sightings in Blogdom:
Ellen has the week off as she travels the south - bet she hits a yarn shop or two.
Naomi is home now and recovering nicely. She will be returning soon.

Cathy's Sighting in BlogWorld:

Knitters and Blogdom Unite! USA Today has recognized the community and power of the Knitting blog.

Lutheran Chik posts Friday Botanical Blogging - I think we could start a botanical blogging for our neck of the woods - oh how we could see the differences as the seasons change.

Norma, a most prolific blogger, posts her thoughts on Social Security, and the inequities and dysfunction of the system.

Sightings in my back yard:

This is what we call a cotton rose, and I have two cobloggers that can help me on this, but the stamen sure looks like this is a member of the hibiscus family (though you can't see it in the photo - sorry).

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