Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My goodness - Spanish Christening Shawl

Naomi, Sharon, and Ellen,
It's been quiet as a mouse on Plays with Pointy things, and I know that my birthday didn't stop anyone (in fact, I believe that Sharon does have a birthday in January, but if I am correct, I don't remember the date).

I posted on my other blog one of the things I have been working on so I must share this with you. However, though it is pretty, it is the same old pattern over and over again. That is not to discount its loveliness, but pictures just demonstrate the repetitiveness of the center of the Spanish Christening Shawl. I do believe one more skein will see the center to its finish, and I just began the skein. So.... without further ado, and to let people know the blog has not gone caput and dormant in the winter, I present my partial labor of love to you. I believe you can click on the picture to get a larger image.
I hope Elliott will enjoy it and find it fits him. Won't be finished for the shower, but will be for a very special day. The edging should be what sets it off.
Details: Pattern is from Cheryl Oberle's book Folk Shawls: 25 Knitting Patterns and Tales from Around the World - Dale of Norway Baby Ull Yarn - 100% superwash merino - and is soft soft soft. Size 8 needles.

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