Friday, August 17, 2012

Almost-Instant Gratification

It's not as though I've been working on big projects. Here is the soaker, which took about 2 days to make:

Here is the Baby Kina that took 11 days to finish:

Even the baby blanket took a month to finish, but 2 weeks of that was vacation time, with some work on Sparrow:

But now I'm craving even quicker projects. I just downloaded this pattern to make with a skein of Araucania Ruca Multi that I bought in Hawaii. There is no real connection to Hawaii except that the yarn is made from sugar cane, and we did see a lot of sugar cane growing on Maui. Hawaii was great, but not for yarn shopping.

 Next up in the instant gratification queue is the Las Palmas table runner. The pattern link is not working, but a Ravelry member shared her recollection of the pattern with me. I hope Really Knit Stuff has a good color of Euroflax in stock.

 It's said to be unlucky to take lava from Hawaii, but I took the risk and shipped myself some smooth lava stones from the Big Island and Maui. My plan is to get some of them fitted with little crochet covers soon.

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