Friday, August 24, 2012


This is the first of the almost-instant gratification projects. I started a week ago, and did not knit at all on a couple of days.
I was warned that the yarn would stretch so I used  a #4 needle instead of the #5 or #6 called for by the pattern. It did relax quite a bit after wet blocking and pressing with a bare warm iron.
This afternoon I plan to buy some Euroflax linen for a table runner and visit the quilt show.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Almost-Instant Gratification

It's not as though I've been working on big projects. Here is the soaker, which took about 2 days to make:

Here is the Baby Kina that took 11 days to finish:

Even the baby blanket took a month to finish, but 2 weeks of that was vacation time, with some work on Sparrow:

But now I'm craving even quicker projects. I just downloaded this pattern to make with a skein of Araucania Ruca Multi that I bought in Hawaii. There is no real connection to Hawaii except that the yarn is made from sugar cane, and we did see a lot of sugar cane growing on Maui. Hawaii was great, but not for yarn shopping.

 Next up in the instant gratification queue is the Las Palmas table runner. The pattern link is not working, but a Ravelry member shared her recollection of the pattern with me. I hope Really Knit Stuff has a good color of Euroflax in stock.

 It's said to be unlucky to take lava from Hawaii, but I took the risk and shipped myself some smooth lava stones from the Big Island and Maui. My plan is to get some of them fitted with little crochet covers soon.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Failed Experiment

As you can see from the last post blogging from the iPad is not quite ready for Broadway. It might be better than communicating by crop circles but only a little. Anyway here are the pictures and links that should have been in the last post:
Here is a link for making these blankets.
This was the original city quilt. I will use the same pattern but add fabric paint to the "windows".
You can see the "fronds" in this picture along with the beads.

So Sew

The new sewing machine has inspired lots of quilting and related projects. On July 4 I finished a baby blanket with Jetsons-style trees. It gave me a chance to try out more stitches for sewing the layers together and attaching the binding.
The bright squares on the gray background are going to be another city quilt, but I think I'll add some fabric paint to this one.
Last night we watched "Another Year" and I began applying beads to my first "art" quilt. The beading isn't as tedious as I anticipated; it should only take another 3 or 4 sessions to finish. The movie began slow but got better but in a lot of ways it is too realistic to be entertaining.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Projects Done and Begun

For a while I had wanted to make something to organize and store all the double-point needles that were stashed in a box with crochet hooks, stitch markers, and assorted small tools. The cases for sale on Etsy are beautiful, but I wasn't sure they would be big enough, and I really wanted to make one out of fabric and supplies I had on hand.
This is what I came up with. There are 2 pockets (short and long) for each size and the pockets are 2" wide. I forgot that I have a set of #1.5 needles, so they are living uneasily with the #2s. I had no idea I have so many #0 and #1 needles, especially since I hardly ever make socks.
This is Baby Sophisticate, knit for Creations for Charity--Tallahassee, FL. I used yarn that Ilona had sent from Germany several years ago, and have enough left to make another sweater just like it.
Not much to look at, but this is the beginning of a soaker for DGS. He is reported to have outgrown the first batch. The forecast is for temperatures near 100 this weekend, so it looks like a good time for indoor projects. Cleaning the sewing room (I can't call it a studio) should be first in the queue.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Got Distracted

Is there any other explanation for abandoning this little effort for almost a year and a half? It is not as though my life took a turn for the exciting, or that I gave up knitting. Most of my knitting projects are on Ravelry, if you want to see what I've been working on. A few months ago I decided to replace my old, unreliable sewing machine with a Brother Project Runway model. It is wonderful to know that the sewing machine will actually work when I want to make something. I finished the skirt in picture last night and am pretty happy about how it turned out. If I had to make all my clothes I would have a lot fewer, though, and I understand why old houses had such little (or nonexistent) closets. The next sewing project in the queue is a case for storing double point knitting needles. The pieces are cut out and marked, but I have to think through the order to assemble them, since I'm making up the pattern. What else has been going on? I read and loved Bowling Avenue and have joined an art quilting group here in Tallahassee. I feel like something of a fraud when see what these women create, but I really enjoy hanging out with them every month and learning about their projects. Last fall I took a quilting for beginners class and have made several small quilts. Who would have guessed how much fun it is to cut fabric into pieces and sew it back together again? DD2 let me know that my grandson is outgrowing the soakers I made him at Christmas so I picked up some wool (Ella Rae worsted) at Wooly Bully today and will get started tonight. It makes me happy to make something that my kids have asked for.