Sunday, January 29, 2006


The bloggers have been quiet. My excuse is that I really have not been playing much with the pointy things. My new volunteerism at church occupied a good bit of time but things are slowly falling nto place there and it will not be as time consuming.

I thought this item might be of interest to my fellow bloggers. In today's Parade Magazine in the Tallahassee Democrat there was an article by the editors of AARP The Magazine giving advice on helping prevent various health problems, especially if your family is prone to them. Dr. Robert Wilson senior neurophsychologist of the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center said mental exercise is also important : mind challenging exercises are associated with lower risks of dementia. Brain-boosting activities include reading, playing cards, solving problems and knitting. (emphasis mine) Getting out of the house--gardening or going to museums--stimulates the mind as well. "There's pretty good evidence" Wilson says, "that people who are socially active are less likely develope Alzheimer's disease and decline cognitively." So let's keep on knitting and gardening.

Ellen, your Chico Amaryllis is gorgeous, an exotic beauty. What an imressive list of knitting you did last year! Your sweater is beautiful. I can only claim 6 scarves and 3 crocheted shawls. But I am knitting on 2 shawls now.

Cathy and Sharon, share your last year's output with us. I know you both were busy little knitting bees.
Cheers. Naomi

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