Thursday, August 25, 2005

Needles in my Eyes

Cathy - Before you get started on those socks, I have to tell you about needles. I know I sent you 2 #3 aluminum dps, but now I'm warning you off using them. Before I knit my first socks I bought a set of #2 Bryspun dps. I used them for 2 pairs of socks and never gave them much thought. When I started the twisted rib socks a needed #3s to get the proper gauge on the cuff so I pulled out the aluminums. What a contrast! The aluminum needles are heavy and inflexible and cold, just the opposite of the Bryspuns. I switched to the #2's after a few inches to get more shape in the ankle (Camille has very shapely ankles) and it was a joy to get back to the light, warm, and flexible Bryspuns. I fully intend to get other sizes when I need them, like before I start the second sock. According the the Bryspun website they are available at Sewperlatives in T-ville.

That baby blanket is beautiful! I still have a couple of handmade blankets that were gifts for my own babies, and I remember how happy it made me to wrap them up in love expressed as needlework.

The blue shawl is on a #4 circular needle (24", I think) and the yarn is a a fairly heavy fingering weight. When I compare it to projects I see on the blogs of serious knitters it seems like lace for the challenged, but I hope it will be lovely in its simplicity!

Good luck on the audition, not that it will be intimidating! I am looking forward to singing again. I hope to improve my attitude, and concentrate more on doing my best and less on the perceived shortcomings of others, but we'll see how long that lasts.

Gotta flit, or you won't see this before the audition. Isn't it a shame that one can't knit and drive?


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