The four completed scarfs. The color is a bit off. My computer whiz daughter says I need to upgrade my digital camera. The wall behind is blue, not brown. LtoR the scarfs are black fancy fur, purple or brown variegated fancy fur, black boa with a little silver and pink variegated fancy fur. It may sound strange that I am not sure of the brown or purple. I thought it was purple in the store, at home it looked brown, now it looks purple again. May have to do another one and find someone colorblind to give this one to.(And I call myself an artist and have always had a good eye for matching colors, like singers have a good ear for music, but it is slipping.) They are all Bernat yarns and I am working on one more that is black with small blue yarn balls randomly scattered. I cropped the picture in another program and saved it but apparently the crop did not hold or something so please excuse the background clutter.
Christmas shopping and grocery buying is almost complete, wrapping yet to do. I am in the process of putting my tree up today. I will dismantle it either Epiphany or Valentine's Day or Easter. A former daughter in law sent me a small live fir decorated with angels which I have in the kitchen. Directions say I can repot it in a larger pot for future Christmases or plant it outside. I am leaning towards the pot and keeping it on the kitchen porch.
Back to knitting, I have a baby blanket and a shawl in progress. I want to crochet a scarf for a friend who is bereaved but I have to get the yarn, nothing in my stash is appropriate. I believe Walmart has Homespun yarn. If not, maybe Janet's.
Only four days until Christmas. Where did the time go? But I really don't get the Christmas spirit until Christmas Eve.
Cheers. Naomi
January frosts & home comforts
6 days ago